Alright, so I haven't posted in nearly 4 days. Lol, surprise surprise? The daily thing was gonna wear out, you might've thought. Wel.... not quite... Its more like, more time away means all the more to write about :P. So here goes...
July 9th (The rest of it, past my 2 am soiree):
I failed in my attempt to try and make it to church. It meant more than just going for the sake of it, for worship, for teaching, for instruction... it was part of my reconnection after a LONG sabbatical. No matter... will fix that the instant I can. The verses that froze me though...
Psalm 139: 23-24...[NKJV]Search me, O God, and know my heart;Try me, and know my anxieties;And see if there is any wicked way in me,And lead me in the way everlasting.Want to wake up to that every morning. I pray for that to be on my mind before everything else... always... my fiery test... my cleansing.As for the rest of the day, a few subtopics...
After a good Wimbledon season, Nadal vs. Federer was a beautiful match-up. After previous encounters on the Grand Slam circuit, during which Federer had to surrender his titles to the quicker Nadal, Wimbledon was Federer's turf (no pun intended... I mean it!). Impressive control: Federer won 6-0, 7-6, 6-7, 6-3. Was fun to watch:D Lets see how the rest goes. Also gotta keep an eye out for Baghdatis.Up and coming dude.
Well... what can I say except... WHAT A FINAL! :S Eyes glued to the idiot box from start to finish; a... um.. unique finish at that... Zidane, dude! That was one VERY classy penalty at 7 minutes. And one heck of an attempt at a header later on. But... with that little skull bash that felled Materazzi at extra time with the cupjust 8 minutes away from you? What was really worth that?...
Best player in the world for a long time running... ironic, he even got the golden ball this time around. Ah well, gotta say though, I'd give anything to know exactly what was in his head at that moment. Wasn't impulse... Then again, comparing him to the likes of Eric Cantona (the fan-assaulting foot ball maestro who remains the Man-U legend, and who also hosted the Nike advertising set "Joga Bonito"), I'm guessing something must've snapped REALLY hard in his mind. What I'm glad about is that all of France & all of Zidane's fans have stuck by him. Respects, bro...
All said n don, amazing match. Italy, you claimed your cup well. Brathez, and all you French veterans, we'll miss you... hopefully France is back on its feet, back to the powerhouse it was/is, Lol, Euro Cup prelims... first match-up... Italy vs France???? Man...
Random insertion, but pertinent nonetheless... The slideshow compiled by the Rogers World Cup team was beautiful. Thanks for an awesome World Cup :D Never had to miss a minute of it (well, didn't have to, but did... ah well)
Well, thats a description of July 9th. Hmm... Do I continue with these extensive summaries og each day? Or should I cut to something shorter n sweeter, n save my space for something more like the rambling in the previous post?
Alright, I'll save the rambling for later but I'll just summarize the rest of the days best as I can.
So... Monday July 10th :D
First off, it was my lil cousin Aathavan's birthday. Lil dude turned 7... Remember when he was born... Was in London, England n took care of my aunt n everything... Awesome dude... far smarter than anyone his age should be. He can take anything you're arguing about n rip it to shreds, just by destroying the very reason you're arguing... yes he's only 7, lol.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AATHAVAN!He's coming here July 22nd (Saturday) with his bro, Maiuran and my aunt n uncle :D. Should be a beautiful summer. I miss them... saw them last year but thats already too long... well, it seems a world away just because of... Grampa's passing...
I miss him so much...
Um, just a tad strange... Got a friend's hi5 profile open... they've got a music collection... um... Puff Daddy ft. Faith Evan: "I'll be missing you" just came on...
Ah man...
So yeah, they're coming over for a couple weeks :D Gotta pull it together n make sure they have the most awesome time.
Past that... Oh yeah... Monday... Got up at 5:45 AM, which was weird... cuz I never expected to go to sleep at the first place, but now worries :) Made it to the GO station on time... just didn't realize that the trip time from Hamilton to T.O was extended by 20 minutes in the morning... and then a slower-than-usual subway/RT ride, all the way to Scarborough Town Centre... lol... we're all magnetically drawn to that... regardless of how much we try to repel ourselves from it. So went n met AB at the Civic centre to pick up the transcripts. Not too bad a procedure... just... seemed like such a waste of a day to end it at that n come back to Hamilton... but while I was waiting for the office to print out my transcript, I got an email from my friend BC... just brightened my day considerably :), so decided I'd meet her. So, a couple phone calls, and lo n behold! in an hour I was hangin out with ML and BC. Fun day :) Didn't really do much except follow them around their store circuit and help ML pick out a shirt, n attempt to find BC a purse... mission and a half, that... Didn't find anything in the end tho, so ah well. Then got a call from GP to pick up his eBay purchase $$. Sweet. now I had enough to send to Paypal n not go bankrupt, lol. So went n picked that up, bid adieu to the girlies, and thought of headin back to the Hammer. So I walked to the McCowan RT terminal... Walked into the second level, then found I had to take the stairs to the first level to enter the TTC-rider area, then had to climb up to the 3rd level to get to the RT platform... :S Very funny station, that... So I get inside... and guess what they have... lol.. an RT TRAFFIC JAM! Yeah... so the RT consists of trains that are entirely computer-controlled, right? So one breaks down at some point along the line, so it throws the entire system off... They had to switch the lines to manual control, so the driver could handle the throttle n all that jazz. So ended up waiting for half an hour for a train that usually has a frequency of about 2-4 minutes. The wait wasn't too bad though... As always, I was fascinated by the electronically-controlled switching system. Its impressive how they can get metal that must have high compression resistance to bend to exactly the amount they want, n the return to a more relaxed state, n not cause it to break... I want one of those switches :P Why? i don't know... I just think they're kewl... And cuz I wouldn't mind having a high-power, high-torque motor sitting around :P Ah well. Don't think the TTC will sell me theirs, so just gotta figure out where to get a new one. Save that for one of my very strange goals in life... hmm... the list grows...
So made it back, went to AP's place,was supposed to take her to watch Pirates, but both too tired, her outta boredom, me outta... travelling? Lack of sleep? Ah well, one of the two... so stayed with her for the rest of the night... talking bout the day, bout her living arrangement dilemma for the upcoming school year... not a bad end to a night :) so just came home n went straight to bed after... yes fully dressed, lol...
July 11th...
So woke up (again, after not too many slumber hours) and headed to the Hawk... dropped off the transcripts, inquired bout payment... blah de blah blah... then back to JACKSON... lol, that thing doesn't even deserve to be called a mall, but regardless, headed there, grabbed a couple bites, put in GP's $$ (only to come home n find my refund cheque sitting in my mailbox :S), then headed home, for a couple hours... then back to AP's to take her out to Pirates... decided she'd rather watch soaps first... BLECH! But yeah, lol, let her enjoy those... then headed out... MAN WAS IT AWESOME! Can't believe we have to wait a year for the release of the next one... Aw man... wanna watch it again... :D U wanna, D? Saturday?
Well, the rest of the day passed by alright... went to Mahal, grabbed a bit of food, came home, ate.. (still at AP's place), then went home n crashed again... was up in a couple, but those few minutes helped... Tried sorting out RZ's stayin here... didn't get too far, so decided it would be easier to do it in person...
Well, by now its technically Wednesday July 12th...
So I went out for a run... was pouring... but I needed it... felt good. Then came back, talked to RZ from the Buffalo/Niagara border... finalized meeting plans, then got ready, left to get to the GO station... found out he left a couple of his bags on the bus, lol... but yeah, brought him back to my place... then called AP over... it was a fun reunion through n through... should be good havin him around. Will figure out stuff to do over the next week...
But yeah, wasn't too bad for a first day.. Gloomy as heck, and pouring outside for a good part of the AM and the afternoon. So stayed in, introduced AB, spent a while talkin n workin on an essay for a friend... me n AB, that is... bout the poem "Sailing to Byzantium" by William Butler Yeats.. an interesting poem, but don't know if I agree with his comparisons... yes I agree that freeing the intellect from a sensual lifestyle is important for preservation... but seems that he almost beats up on the desires of the here and now a bit too much... Still a very good literary piece though :) The essay turned out to be a pile of crap though :P Had no flow, no structure, and nothing to do with the poem whatsoever, lol. NRS, hope your teacher marks easy...
So once that was done, a few more phone calls, then we departed. Hit the GO station first, to make inquires about procedure, then get more contact numbers... then hit Jackson to grab a bite to eat... me being the genius I am, I get an end-of-the-day whopper... man oh man...
So yeah, we go uptown, up the mountain, to the Upper James Cineplex Odeon movie theatre. After a bit of dilemma on going back n renting etc... (we are so indecisive... guess we aren't getting any managerial positions in the future, lol) we decided on watching Click. So we get in... n pretty much all 4 of us fall asleep... again, a bit of a dilemma on whether to get a refund... but nah, we stayed... Was an alright movie really :D . Quite a bit on the vulgar side though... so not exactly high on my list of recommendations, but for a story in n of itself... it was nice... morally...
Oh yeah, during the movie, however... had to leave n hit the washroom... had to throw up all of that burger... man, was it nasty... lesson learned... no more of that kinda stuff that late into the day, lol. And then went to purchase a water bottle... $3.18 for a small Dasani !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, was kinda desperate, so ah well... no worries, rite?
So headed back after the movies... AP got off to go to her place, n me, AB n RZ headed to the girlies' place... chilled there for a bit, introduced RZ around, picked up thanga's stuff for her... (gotta remember to drop that off at her place) then walked back home. Talked a bit more to RZ... then figured out sleep n stuff... talked to AP, n left her to talk to CL (lol... 3 h14m? reason to smile indeed... sorry, thought u'd gone to bed...)
Talked to D for a bit :) After hearing quite a bit, it was awesome... stay that way in person please?
Lookin forward to Saturday :D
So its now Thursday July 13th...
Called the parcel delivery in Toronto for the Greyhound service... they're unwilling to deliver???????????? What the..... man... this is gonna get frustrating... ah well, day just started, I have no rights to complain... we'll see how the rest of today goes... hopefully it goes according to plan... lol, alright, time to plan...
Hmm... as closing comments, I'll use this as my scratchpad...
1) Meet up with AP
2) Figure out RZ's bag stuff
3) Figure out goin to T.O/Staying in the Hammer
4) Talk to D or the 2Ks about rendezvous times
5) Figure out finances
And as enjoyable as this was... I think its dragged on long enough eh?... 8 hours since I began... interspersed with everything else, hence the time length... I shall post a new one later today or in the early AM tomorrow. So watch out for that. And till then, I be adieu to you too.
Signing off,
Whispered Screams...