First off, a little about the weekend.
Friday July 28th.
Following my day of revisitations, I had some interesting dreams. It was, in essense, a combinations of all things of the far past, the near past, the present, and more of the future as dreamed from each of those perspectives. So I got to wondering about the reason for my dreaming those dreams. What lay behind them is an intricate tapestry of overlapping thoughts and emotions that would take a lifetime of connections to unravel, but it made me realize what stuff dreams are really made of: air. Not the kind that exists as a breath but...
Think about it in this sense. Oxford Dictionary [the online edition, current as of July 31st] states the following as a definition for a dream:
"1 a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep. 2 a cherished ambition or ideal; a fantasy. 3 informal someone or something perceived as wonderful or perfect."
(Now I suppose I could use proper citation, but I believe my mention of borrowed copyright should be sufficient.)
When we are but mewlings, we are taught that the thoughts and images that we apparently see and experience in our sleep are things of the imagination. Upon growing slightly older, we are then told that dreams are a replay mechanism of sorts, providing a deeper analysis of the events of the day. And then again, when we grow a little more older, we're told that the mind has the ability to project events of the past, the present and a predictively-constructed future and provide them as different scenarios in which the apparent 'self' can participate. A long-winded explanation? Certainly. Accurate? That, I suppose, would depend on one's personal experiences in this matter.
At some point in most of our lives, we recognize the existense of emotions towards certain individuals, generally in the same age class as us. Again, to satisfy everyone regarding this matter, I would have to present my readers with options such as gender preference, choice in the number of partners etc... (I'm not a supporter of most, perhaps, any, of these choices, but to each his/her own) but me being too lazy and unmotivated to do that, I'll just use cliche terminology. So we go through various phases; what these phases are vary from individual to individual, but for classification purposes I'll just call them pre-pubescent attraction (the 'crush'), infatuation (where one actually understands one's emotions) and the terminal... or what most of us define as 'love'...
I've dreamed all my life, about the childish fantasies regarding flying in a rocket ship, etc etc... Then I've dreamed about where education will take me (some parts realistic, some not so much). Yet the strangest and yet most whimsical and reality-tinged dreams have been the ones where I've shared it alongside someone...
Two people have made me dream these dreams. One of them taught me to dream them... yet every single dream seems to have just one common theme. What that is, I have yet to discover. Yes, dreams don't rule your life, but I don't know, time will tell...
To you, who gave me these, thank you... You've left me to dream alone, yet not so much... for I still see you there.
So then that night, I made it back to Scarborough, for some more family time. [Did I mention my cousins from England were here? I don't remember if I posted it earlier, and I'm too lazy to check]
Saturday, July 29th.
This day was, quite literally, crazy. The plan was to go to Mississauga to visit some relatives, more on my mother's side (and my aunt's, my mom's youngest sister). Organizing such a trip for 9 people is not an easy thing, particularly when two of those people are 7 and 8 years old respectively. MR and AT are NOT the easiest to handle; trust me on that. Yet, at the end, we left... to what turned out to be quite a blast :) . Dad rented a Dodge Caravan (nice to drive, I must say), and we made it there. My aunt has a nice pool in her backyard. Not terribly deep, yet nice. Didn't go in the water this time around, but it was a LOT of fun to watch the kids play around.
And here I should mention Pepper. She is the most incredible thing. A cross between an Australian shepherd and a husky, she's just beautiful. one floppy ear to add character, she is SUCH a poser, that puppy. A year and a half, and she's 60-something lbs. Big puppy. But Gawd, is she shy. It took her close to an hour to warm up to me, and that was WITH me giving her constant attention. Yet she wouldn't leave after. It was so much fun playing with her. I miss her, and I miss the complete abandon one can have in playing with a dog. No other care in the world. I can see why my cousin and his wife are so attached to her.
And my cousin. Yeah, KN, racer dude. Sweet 'stang Cobra. Vortech supercharger that whines a beautiful note. Not to mention the roughness of the ride. Powerhouse, that. And then there's his home theater. No, literally, home theater. 600-watt amplifier powering JBL LCRs and surrounds, and an active JBL dual-ported 100-watt sub to boot. And a 10.7 foot hi-definition screen. Nice :) Yeah he's got a projector and screen rigged. Talk about fun. Not to mention the plasma he's getting in the main room. Yeah, Planet of the Apes never looked so good.
Coming away from there was hard, but yeah, we made it back. And to bed, only to get up at 5 AM... to make sandwiches.
Sunday, July 30th.
So today... was Niagara day. Another mission. Won't go on much about it, just that it was beyond amazing. Yes, the sight itself does get somewhat wearisome when it becomes an annual ritual. but 3 each time with someone different makes it enjoyable all the more for it being a communal thing. And this was a rather interesting sight.

The day ended with me being back at Mac. It was fun... and now I think I'm ready for bed.
Signing off,
Whispered Screams
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