Sunday, August 27, 2006


So courtesy of the CNE, I have worked for the past 9 days continuously, leaving the house at 7 AM, rarely returning before 1 AM. And still it continuous. Sunday was my day off, and I've enjoyed it by doing... absolutely nothing. I'm still exhausted, and tomorrow I've gotta get back into this stride again.

Things that seemed to have momentum up until this point seemed to have just ceased activity, laying in wait for me to get them started again. I don't know how I'm going to do that, but I suppose its a matter of focus, time and God knows what else.

Wow. That just seems so amazingly monotonous. But I can't seem to bring a stop to that tone, so I'll keep going for just a bit.

To everyone who I've turned silent on, I really apologize. I haven't had the time. For anything.

Work is a drag, yet emotionally strenuous. One never knows when one can get fired or not, and record-keeping with that high a volume of customers drains one. i've lost all ability to focus. I have to deal with short term memory loss. Its frustrating. But its only for a few more days. No regrets.

I saw a really good movie today, that perhaps some of you have seen. "I am Sam". A movie starring Sean Penn and Dakota Fanning. Its beautiful.

I'm blanking out. I'll pull my mind together again and post soon.

School in a few days. I have to sort that out too.

Here's another track that seems to provide some verbal definition to some aspects of my life. It can be a little graphic, so just a warning.

Musical note: Brilliant drumming.

Faders moving down...

Signing off,

Whispered Screams


Anonymous said...

hang in there bro'

p.s. whats with sudden change in music taste...all i have to say is EWWWWW

Anonymous said...

oh boy..and to think i'm actually bored at
sean penn is the THE most versatile actor there ever was, and "i am sam" was a much deserved nomination for him, despite what the trolls may say,it cannot be easy to play a mentally handicapped person, to carry it off with such conviction is true talent. ah how i love this movie..LOL penn is definitely an all time favourite and "i am sam " just did it..